Thursday, 8 November 2012

A long day

Firstly, I want to thank everyone for the amazing responses to my "3 simple things" things (in case you hadn't noticed, I changed the original title of 3 beautiful things, to 3 simple things - it sounds a lot less cheesy and more real) I loved the diversity and honesty in all your replies. It's not something I'm going to do every day but maybe once a week or so when I have nothing interesting to report! 

Anyway, back to yesterday... Longest day ever (a slight exaggeration maybe!). Into hospital for a blood test, home for an hour, back in for 2 bags of blood taking about 3 hours in total - which meant 3 hours of being able to do nothing. I couldn't use either of my hands (my right because thanks to the tumours it's so swollen and the nerves don't really work at the moment and my left because of having a cannula in, how the blood gets into my body through a needle.)

I then had some radiotherapy, the session took a lot longer than usual because it was my first appointment; they had to scan me and make sure that everything was set up in the right place. From now on hopefully it will be a lot quicker, as the radiographers know exactly what to do. It was quite scary being laid under a massive machine but the worst part by far was the pain getting on and off of the bed you have to lie on, due to my broken breast bone! 

At home at the moment waiting to go back in for the same long routine today - there was even talk of adding in another drug to strenghen my bones. At least we can start to see the effects of the blood - I no longer look like a ghost, my skin and lips are nearly back to their normal colour. The next time I write hopefully it will be a more upbeat happy post!

Ella xx  


  1. Hi Ella, sorry to here the first session has been so tough, but it sounds they may get a little easier. I am back in Bristol now, so will see you some time tomorrow. We can talk about sorting out a plan for lifts to and from the hospital for you and your mum over the next few weeks, love U Bob (volunteers stand by!)

    1. Whoops, I know "here" should be spelt "hear" - mum always said I was dyslexic

  2. I saw a sarcoma wristband yesterday which said "cancer sucks" - quite apt when you put it into 2 words.

    I hope today was better than yesterday.

    C u in a few hours.

    U Andrew xxx

    P.s. I am buying one of the afore mentioned bands and also have an idea Ella !

  3. Hi Ella

    Trying to follow everything but really hard to log in and post blogs at moment but as quite high up in Himalayas I think I may be able to tonight before getting back to civilisation on Sat

    3 simple things in last 2 days:

    1. With good friends who just get it and its not an effort!

    2. Doing not a great deal today but in stunning surroundings..... It's good for the soul, even if not naturally me

    3. Great vegetarian cooking as that's what's on offer and a log fire to myself, with a beer, whilst I post this blog

    I love the idea of Sarcoma wrist bands, subject to your views and what Andy posts next?

    Will sign in next on Sat I think!

    Uncle Jim x
